Amog Iska

Hello! I am studying Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin.
Welcome to my website!


Crumbs - iOS App

Crumbs is a social media app that populates your feed with proximity based posts. This allows you to connect with your community and your city in a unique way.

Craigslist - Clone

Built the backend to a web server to replicate the functionality of the lease listing service called Craigslist.


Wordle is a viral web-based word game that requires players to guess a 5-letter word with in 6 tries. This java program, Wordle-Bot, will help you solve Wordles by suggesting optimal gueses! The program has a 100% success rate on over 50 Wordles played!

Agni - Database

Agni is a simple efficient database to query records. It accepts SQL queries, and in the backend uses Java to manage the database. Agni is a rudimentary application which is intended to understand the inner workings of a database management system.

Manned Octocopter Project

Asia's first manned multirotor aircraft capable of sustained and maneuverable flight with a human passenger.


I love building things. I try to work on interesting programming problems and engineering projects in my spare time. Check out some of my recent projects. I'm currently seeking full time software engineering opportunities that will allow me to continue to build my skill set.I'm also fitness freak and a gym rat. I dabble in all sorts of physical activities, but my favorites are rock climbing, basketball, and running. I'm recently getting really into powerlifting and here are my current maxes:
-Bench: 250lbs
-Squat: 275lbs
-Deadlift: 420lbs
Other than that, I love listening to music and going to concerts (here's an amazing playlist I made), reading books, enjoying food and hanging out with friends.If you are share my interests or know of any cool opportunities? Get in touch!


The best way to reach me is through email!
Here are my other accounts: